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Friday, October 5, 2007

Spyware - Prevention, Detection And Removal

It seems that every time some good hearted genius develops a cool technology that benefits man, some miscreant develops a way to use it to the detriment of man. I guess this is a spin off of Newton’s law where for every action there is a reaction. Spyware is one of these reactions.

What is spyware?

Spyware is a software application that is usually attached to a file that you download. Virus protection software will not capture or delete it. The purpose of spyware is to gather information about you and your use computer usage. It may gather keywords, text, account numbers, etc. and send them to another computer. The problems can range from your credit card information or password being stolen and abused to a partly or complete failure of your computer. If a site offers a free download, check to see if it has a “free from ad/spyware” certification. If it doesn’t, there is a good chance that it has spyware or adware attached to the download.

Effects of spyware

Most spyware uses "Hacks" to change your windows settings. Usually computers that are infected with spyware have more then one spyware application installed. All these spyware infections are competing to change some of your computer’s settings. This can cause your system to slow down and may cause some of windows or your programs functions to stop functioning. If a certain functionality is suddenly missing in windows or in any of your installed programs, there is a good possibility that spyware is the culprit.

If enough spyware is clogging up your system, you may notice it slowing down. When this occurs, it is wise to run a spyware check on your computer. Whenever you download something from a free site, a good rule of thumb is to run a spyware check after. There are many free spyware removal tools out there. A search on Google or Yahoo will bring up a ton of references. For a review of some of the best spyware removal tools go to http://burpau.bezoogle.com/pp/anti-spyware/.

Helpful hints to avoid spyware

1. Do not download anything from a questionable site. Run a spyware check and removal application if you do.
2. Avoid clicking on popups. Use Ctrl-Alt-Delete rather than cancel. Clicking cancel or no on an add may still get spyware installed on your system.
3. Try using a different browser. Since Internet Explorer is the widest used, it is the most heavily hit.
4. Use a spyware removal tool.

Paul Burnham is a programmer analyst, internet affiliate marketer and author of information articles.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Paul_Burnham